How to maximise your place in the local community

Research shows that 55% of UK consumers prefer to spend their money with local brands.

We built these guides to help you engage with your local community.

How to maximise your place in the local community

Welcome to our 'maximising your place in the community' starter pack. You now have access to all the documents featured below that you can download to help you start maximising your place within your local community.

Community Marketing: how can you benefit?


Introducing this series of guides, we look at the benefits of marketing to your community and fostering local loyalty.


Creating Compelling Online Community Content


Do you have something interesting to say? Check out this guide to engaging your local community with effective online content.


Local Online Targeting for Small Businesses


Targeting the right people can be tricky, but we've got a few tricks you can use to help you reach the right online audience.


Making the Most of Local Media Relations


Local media coverage is a bonus to any business, here we look at how YBS can help you get the local exposure you need.


Using Events to Build Brand Awareness


Local events offer a great platform for you to shout about what you do best, check out our sample event plan for ideas.


Sponsorship: Identifying Local Opportunities


Small businesses get great publicity from sponsoring a local sports team, event or good cause. But how do you get started?


Using Social Media to Promote Your Business


Social media channels can reinforce your brand and local presence, check out how we can help you grow through social.

By downloading the Growth Series’ free maximising your place in the local community available on this website, you accept and agree YBS Group give no warranties or representations concerning the documents, and accept no liability in relation to their use. Yorkshire Building Society has worked together with a growth marketing agency, Clients First, to supply this content. We hope it helps you grow your core business and you have found it of interest. Please ensure that if you apply any of these tips to your YBS agency that you comply with the specific marketing guidelines which can be found in the YBS ‘Working Together’ Agency Operations Manual.