How proprietors can increase customer retention

You’ve worked hard to earn your customers, now it’s time to keep them coming back.

Customer retention is a leading indicator of your business’ health. It is your ability to keep customers returning to your product for future purchases and engagement.


Welcome to our guide for increasing your customer retention rate for your core business. You now have access to all the documents featured below that you can download to help take you through the techniques, practices and cultural changes that will help you make the most of your existing customers.

Repeat business opportunities


Managing this process is an important part of customer retention. It’s a point of vulnerability in terms of losing customers.


How to engage your existing customers


We’ve determined why customer retention is important, but how do you actually convince customers to return? Here are a few tools of the trade to get you started.


How to create a customer retention culture


If your strategy has always been growth through new customer acquisition but you want to focus more on retention and enjoy the benefits that brings, you’ll need a shift in culture.


How good customer data management makes retention easier


Managing a large volume of customer data is not impossible. With good planning, you’ll be able to keep all the data you need and use it effectively to achieve your retention goals.


Why is customer retention important


Winning new clients has always been a top priority for businesses. Anything new brings with it connotationsof excitement, something fresh, and growth.

By downloading the Growth Series’ free guide to customer retention available on this website, you accept and agree YBS Group give no warranties or representations concerning the documents, and accept no liability in relation to their use. Yorkshire Building Society has worked together with a growth marketing agency, Clients First, to supply this content. We hope it helps you grow your core business and you have found it of interest. Please ensure that if you apply any of these tips to your YBS agency that you comply with the specific marketing guidelines which can be found in the YBS ‘Working Together’ Agency Operations Manual.